Applying for a Governor’s Pardon
What is a Governor’s Pardon?
A Governor’s Pardon is a formal process in which individuals with one or more felony convictions can apply to have the convictions absolved or “forgiven”. There are certain criteria applicants must meet in order to be eligible for a Governor’s Pardon. To find out if you are eligible, you should contact an attorney to discuss your specific situation.
How can a Governor’s Pardon help you?
Your rights that were revoked at the time of the conviction can be restored! This includes:
The right to vote
Firearm Ownership
Run for or serve in a public office
Jury Service
After a Governor’s Pardon is granted, you may be eligible for an expungement. For more information on an Oklahoma Expungement please visit our blog on this topic: The Expungement Process in Oklahoma
How long does it take to get a pardon?
12-16 months. Several different agencies are involved in the pardon process and the timing of each step in the process is dependent on each agency’s availability to review your case.
What is the process to apply for a Governor’s Pardon?
The pardon process has several different steps. Broadly, it will be broken down into 4 stages:
The Application Stage
Oklahoma’s Pardon and Parole Board requires their form to be completed in its entirety. This includes the Pardon Application itself and any required court records.
The Investigation Stage
This step in the process is case specific. Some applicants may be asked to appear via phone or in person for an investigation. This investigation is done by a Department of Corrections officer, assigned by the Oklahoma Pardon and Parole Board, from the county in which the original case was filed. The investigator will provide a summary of their findings and their recommendation to include in your application which will be presented in the next step of the process.
The Hearing Stage
After the investigation stage, your application will be set for a hearing in front of the Oklahoma Pardon and Parole Board. You or your attorney will be asked to present your case to the Board, where they make the decision to recommend or not recommend your application for pardon.
The Governor’s Stage
After the hearing date, your full application along with the Pardon and Parole Board’s recommendation is sent to the Governor for their decision whether to grant or deny the Pardon. Once the Governor grants the pardon, it is sent to the Secretary of State for their official approval.
There are additional benefits to a Governor’s Pardon that are more individual and case specific. For more information about pardons or expungement, give us a call today at 405.310.0183 for your FREE consultation.