Law Blog

New Oklahoma Law: Prohibition of Discriminatory Restrictive Covenants in Oklahoma Real Estate
HB 2288 is a new law prohibiting discriminatory restrictive covenants in real estate transactions. It declares that such covenants are illegal and unenforceable. HB 2288 also provides a mechanism for property owners, or other individuals with the owner's written and notarized permission, to remove these discriminatory restrictive covenants from their property records by filing a declaration with the county clerk of the county where the real property is located.

Recent Legal Developments Involving the Oklahoma Turnpike Authority
In recent weeks, there have been significant legal developments involving the Oklahoma Turnpike Authority (OTA), the Oklahoma Supreme Court, and the Oklahoma Legislature. These developments have implications for the governance and operations of the OTA, as well as the future of OTA’s proposed ACCESS Oklahoma turnpike project.