Law Blog

New Oklahoma Law: Prohibition of Discriminatory Restrictive Covenants in Oklahoma Real Estate
HB 2288 is a new law prohibiting discriminatory restrictive covenants in real estate transactions. It declares that such covenants are illegal and unenforceable. HB 2288 also provides a mechanism for property owners, or other individuals with the owner's written and notarized permission, to remove these discriminatory restrictive covenants from their property records by filing a declaration with the county clerk of the county where the real property is located.

Surface vs. Mineral Rights in Oklahoma: Important Considerations for Landowners
In Oklahoma, there are two types of land rights: surface rights and mineral rights. It’s important to know the history of your land and if the surface and mineral rights have been severed, because it will affect the rights you have over the use of your land.

The Housing Situation In Norman
What’s happening with housing in Norman? Rising costs for everyone in the property game.

The Why and How of Quiet Title Actions
Without a clear title, it becomes much more difficult to sell the property and sell it for a decent price, get a loan or mortgage, or exercise your rights as an owner; not to mention it opens you up to outside claims of ownership.

Defects, Disclosures, and a Buyer’s Dilemma
Water damage? Cracked foundation? Electrical, plumbing, or HVAC issues? Read here about how to handle home defects discovered after the sale.

Layman’s Guide to Probate Avoidance
Many times, trusts are successfully used as an estate planning mechanism that will help avoid probate altogether. However, trusts are not the only option for those who want to ensure while still living that their assets will be properly distributed.